Security Conference – Attend FITSI 2017!
Hello All! The Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI, 2017 Security Conference in Columbia, MD on November 14, 2017. You can find the site at, along with marketing information and collateral on speaking / sponsorship opportunities.
From the site:
The Federal IT Security Institute (FITSI) in partnership with Phoenix TS in Columbia, MD is hosting the second annual Federal IT Security Conference. Speakers from NIST, DHS, the Defense Department as well as private industry will be in attendance discussing the themes and trends that are influencing the Federal/DoD cyber landscape.
All proceeds from the event go to help retrain Wounded Warriors to become cyber defenders at the Wounded Warrior Cyber Combat Academy!
So what is my connection? I am a volunteer with FITSI and also serve on the FITSI Certification Committee. It’s a great organization that is actively shaping Federal cybersecurity through a number of disciplines, training programs, and certifications.
I achieved the Federal IT Security Professional – Designer (FITSP-D) certification back in 2010 and I have had the privilege of working with Mr. Jim Wiggins (the FITSI Executive Director) over the past seven years in a number of roles: reviewing content for training materials, evangelizing the mission of FITSI, attending meetings and networking with other Government / private-industry cybersecurity professionals. I have found the certification and the corresponding ongoing education to be inspiring, useful, and practical to apply in my daily activities within DoD and the Federal space. FITSI Membership is an added bonus: one receives access to the members-only Reading Room (full disclosure: some of the papers written by Yours Truly) as well as discounts on security conferences around the region.
Please take some time to review the site, the conference materials, and consider joining the lineup of powerhouse DoD / Federal contractors that will be represented / speaking there.
I hope to see you all there!

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